Nous avions un magnifique emplacement au bord de l'eau, et comme la descente de bateau et les quais étaient officiellement fermés, il n'y a pas eu trop de va-et-vient au cours du week-end.
For the eighth edition of the Casgrain Brothers Camping Trip, we went to Ivy Lea park in Ontario, in the Thousand Islands region. it's a beautiful area and we had incredibly sunny weather all weekend. The water, however, was at an all-time high level and was still very, very cold!
We had a great campsite on the water and, since the boat launch nearby was officially closed due to water levels, we did not have too many people around with their boats.
The local fauna was there to greet us right from the start, from Map Turtles to lots of Canada geese.
Afin de bien profiter des Milles-Îles, nous avions décidé de louer un bateau ponton pour aller explorer la région. Philippe et Nicolas sont parti à vélo chercher le bateau, avant de revenir au camping ramasser le reste des passagers.
We rented a pontoon boat on the Saturday to really get a taste of the Thousand Islands experience and to explore the area. Philippe and Nicolas went by bike to pick up the boat, then came back to get the rest of the passengers via the water.
We rented a pontoon boat on the Saturday to really get a taste of the Thousand Islands experience and to explore the area. Philippe and Nicolas went by bike to pick up the boat, then came back to get the rest of the passengers via the water.
Plusieurs ont à tour de role pris la barre du navire, y compris Julianne (avec un peu d'aide de son papa ou de son oncle Philippe)
Several people took a turn being captain, including Julianne (with a little help from Nicolas or Philippe).
Several people took a turn being captain, including Julianne (with a little help from Nicolas or Philippe).
Nous ne pouvions pas sortir du bateau lorsque nous étions aux États-Unis car nous n'avions pas tous des passeports. Cependant, sommes passés devant le chateau de Boldt. Cette somptueuse demeure de l’État de New York est née de l’esprit romanesque de George Boldt. Le grand patron de l’hôtel Waldorf-Astoria souhaitait en faire cadeau à son épouse Louise Kehrer. Lancée en 1900, sa construction requiert les efforts de 300 ouvriers. Les sculptures, les tapisseries et les meubles sont importés d’Europe. Boldt dépense sans compter. Le conte de fées vire au drame lorsque Louise meurt en 1904. Le cœur brisé, son époux ordonne la fin des travaux et ne mettra plus jamais les pieds sur l’île.
We could not get out of the boat in United States waters as we did not all have passports with us, but we went to see the outside of Boldt Castle. This incredible mansion in New York State comes from the Romanesque spirit of George Boldt. The Waldorf Astoria hotel magnate wanted to give a gift to his wife, Louise Kehrer. Built starting in 1900, the construction of the castle required 300 workers. The sculptures, tapestries and furniture came from Europe. Bold spent huge sums on the castle, but the fairy tale turned tragic when Louise passed away in 1904. Brokenhearted, Boldt ended the work on the castle and never set foot on the island again.
We could not get out of the boat in United States waters as we did not all have passports with us, but we went to see the outside of Boldt Castle. This incredible mansion in New York State comes from the Romanesque spirit of George Boldt. The Waldorf Astoria hotel magnate wanted to give a gift to his wife, Louise Kehrer. Built starting in 1900, the construction of the castle required 300 workers. The sculptures, tapestries and furniture came from Europe. Bold spent huge sums on the castle, but the fairy tale turned tragic when Louise passed away in 1904. Brokenhearted, Boldt ended the work on the castle and never set foot on the island again.
L'arche de pierre devait ressembler à un monument romain et servait d'entrée principale pour accueillir les invités sur l'île. Sa structure de granit était ornée de trois statues de bronze de cerf («hart» en ancien anglais). Le "hart" était un symbole de l’ascendance européenne de George Boldt et faisait également partie des armoiries de la famille. Mais surtout, ces statues nous faisait penser à Grand Papa Jean, qui aime tant ces animaux!
The stoned arch or water gate was designed to look like a Roman monument and was used as a grand entrance to welcome guests to the island. Its granite structure was adorned with three bronze male deer or stag statues (“hart” in Old English). The “hart” was a symbol of George Boldt’s European ancestry and was also a part of the family’s coat-of-arms.
Notez le niveau d'eau qui est très élevé: les tables de pique-nique sont dans l'eau! Note the high water levels: the picnic tables are in water! |
Après un pique-nique sur le bateau, Nicolas décide de 'chiller' dans le youyou remorqué derrière le ponton :)
After a picnic on board the boat, Nicolas decided to relax in the inflatable boat, towed behind the pontoon:
After a picnic on board the boat, Nicolas decided to relax in the inflatable boat, towed behind the pontoon:
Et pour terminer la journée, quoi de mieux qu'un beau feu de camp avec des guimauves et des s'mores!
And to end the day, what better than a campfire and s'mores?
And to end the day, what better than a campfire and s'mores?
Nous avons bien profité du reste de la fin de semaine pour faire des promenades à vélo, aller sur la plage, s'amuser au parc, se mouiller avec les pistolets à eau, se baigner et faire de l'apnée (pour les moins frileux!), faire des jeux de société et faire des balades en kayak et en planche à pagaie.
The rest of the weekend was all about relaxing, playing board games, going bike riding, playing on the sand, taking a kayak or paddle board out in the water, playing at the park (for Julianne) and even water gun fights.
The rest of the weekend was all about relaxing, playing board games, going bike riding, playing on the sand, taking a kayak or paddle board out in the water, playing at the park (for Julianne) and even water gun fights.
Illusion optique: pouvez-vous voir les deux Juliannes? Optical illusion: can you spot the two Juliannes? |
À notre départ, c'est une Couleuvre d'eau qui a décidé de venir nous saluer, tout en mangeant devant nous un poisson! Puisqu'on a vu au cours de notre séjour plusieurs balbuzards, hérons, urubus, Martin-pêcheurs, bernaches, canards, Tortues géographiques, Tortues peintes, Tortues serpentines, et même un Pygargue à tête blanche, on pourra dire que la nature aura été généreuse envers nous!
Just as we were getting ready to leave, a water snake gave us a bit of a show: it devoured a fish right in front of us! Nature was very good to us during the trip: we saw so much wildlife, from osprey to herons to Painted, Map and Snapping turtles and even a bald eagle!
Just as we were getting ready to leave, a water snake gave us a bit of a show: it devoured a fish right in front of us! Nature was very good to us during the trip: we saw so much wildlife, from osprey to herons to Painted, Map and Snapping turtles and even a bald eagle!