Le 12 novembre, nous avons fêté le 3ième anniversaire de Julianne. Nous avons invité des amies de son ancienne garderie (Evelyn et Lauren), ainsi que de la famille (Mamie Louise, Renaud, Isabelle, Natacha, Alexandra, Jérôme, les parents de Katrine, Natalie, la soeur de Katrine et ses enfants Abigail et Oliver) et des voisins (la famille Goudreau).
On November 12th, we celebrated Julianne's third birthday. We invited friends from her previous daycare (Lauren and Evelyn), as well as family (Nana, Grand-Papa, Mamie Louise, Nat, Abbie, Oliver, Nick's brother Renaud, his wife Isabelle, his kids Natacha, Alexandra and Jérôme) and neighbours (Stefan and Mackenzie).
Julianne aime bien l'émission "Pat Patrouille", donc voici Ruben le chien de construction sur son chantier. Julianne likes the television show "Paw Patrol", so here is Rubble the construction dog at his worksite.
Julianne aime son gâteau/loves her cake! |
Alexandra, Jérôme, Julianne & Natacha admirent le gâteau/admire the cake |
Julianne with/avec: Evelyn, Lauren et maman |
Merci Mamie pour le bel édredon pour mon lit de grande fille! Thank you Mamie for the comforter for my new big-girl bed! |
Lauren, Julianne & Oliver regardent le beau train en Lego/looking at the Lego train |
Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate with us and thank you for the presents! Julianne decided to become independent right when she turned three - she now sleeps in a big-girl bed and dresses herself.